February breakdown

More stories from Chris Spenelli

The Scoop on Shmoop
March 19, 2018

   The wind blows. Snowflakes fall. Ice coats the streets. School is cancelled. Nothing is better than a snow day. The only drawback of a relaxing afternoon away from the frozen world, is that eventually students must make up the day back at the place they all love: school.

   In Cherokee County, four days of school can be missed if it is a state of emergency or for inclement weather. If the number goes over, then the district needs to make up those days. Sometimes the make-up days may take up some vacation time. The county can also add minutes to the school days to make up lost time. Either way, the days must be made up.

  Students must make up three missed days during February break. Students and parents alike were surprised by the county tweet notifying them the three make up days will be held Feb 21-23.

  Whether sailing away on a cruise or jetting off somewhere, February break is usually time for vacation. What happens to those with plans? Students who go on their pre-planned trips will have to face the absences they have accumulated for not attending classes; however, there will not be any academic penalty, and students will be allowed to make up any missed work.  Looking ahead, Canvas may be used for learning if there are any more inclement weather days. When students miss school, they are expected to check Canvas for assignments. If students want to come back caught up and ready to learn, they should ask teachers for work before they leave for their break.

“You can send new material out to students but not a lot. You don’t want to overload students with work, ”Mr. Horn said.

  It might be annoying to students that the break is cut short, but at least students still get a mini break after a long time of working hard.