Horn’s on his own schedule

Haley James

More stories from Haley James


Horn, right, is captured showing his Eagle pride at one of Etowah’s football games.

A new school year brings new changes, and this year it brought Robert Horn to the mix. Horn transferred to Etowah and became principal at the end of last school year, and is adjusting to a fresh start with a new school. He has already enforced new rules like the CCR (Cross Campus Release) schedule, and is not waiting to begin his impact on the school.

“At the end of the day, there’s two things we better do; keep them [the students] safe, and get them educated,” Horn said.

Horn is not unfamiliar with the scholastic environment. He was a teacher and assistant principal before coming to Etowah. One of his main goals is working on letting the students flourish and finding new innovative ways to teach and reteach subjects that need improvement.

Horn wants students to be held accountable while also being treated with respect to prepare kids for the real world. That was what Horn had in mind while creating the CCR schedule; making sure students know what they need to do and to prepare them for college.

“I want to see what’s working well here and what doesn’t work well and adjust it in that manner,” Horn said.

While Horn works at Etowah, he hopes to leave his job better than he found it and wants to contribute something good and different to the school. Horn wants to have an impact on his students like his own teachers did and is benefitting the school by sharing his previous experience in teaching.