Birds of a feather

Tania Diaz de Leon’s family is a bit unusual. Not only does she live with seven family members, but Diaz de Leon shares her home with 20 birds, six chickens, and two dogs.
“I really enjoy being with my family and pets because they make me happiest,” Diaz de Leon said.
Born in Zacatecas, Mexico, Diaz de Leon immigrated to the United States when she was four years old along with her family. Once they settled into Georgia, they bought a house with a large backyard, and that is when the 28 animals joined the family.
“Along with spending time with my large family, I enjoy singing, playing guitar, and writing in my free time.”
Besides the chaos in her home, Diaz de Leon has life goals that she wants to achieve. She wants to go to college, own a house, and have a successful career involving journalism. Going into junior year, she decided to join the Talon family for the first time and grow in writing.
“A lot of people told me that journalism was very friendly, yet a great learning environment,” Diaz De Leon said.

Hello, I am Alina Frederick, and this is my fourth year on staff. This year, I am the Head of Recruitment and Internal Affairs, sports supervisor, editor,...