Beyond the borders: studying abroad


Pictured: former Etowah student Nicole Martin (Class of 2021) during her semester studying abroad in Spain.

Spending summers sunbathing on the Amalfi Coast and winters studying in the Oxford library sounds like a dream. For students studying abroad, this dream is no different than their reality.  

Studying abroad offers an opportunity to pursue an educational program in another country. Students attend lectures and carry out research either at a foreign university or through their home college’s study-abroad program. Sometimes, these students concentrate their efforts on mastering a new language; others study abroad to learn how to accommodate living in another country and broaden their global horizons. 

“Traveling abroad would be a great experience for me to diversify my understanding on other cultures and how healthcare differs from region to region,” Lydia Aklilu, senior, said. 

Although studying abroad opportunities are often associated with one’s college years, there are many chances for students to gain this coveted global insight as well. EF Educational Tours is one of the most popular companies known for its rich, comprehensive study abroad programs, exploring places like Portugal, Thailand, and Hungary. EF also hosts specialized STEM tours, allowing travelers to work with professionals in fields like marine biology, engineering, agriculture, and health sciences to gain hands-on experience. 

“Anytime you travel, you learn things about yourself. I think it just helps you figure out who you are by exposing you to the world and figuring out new things,” David Armistead, Etowah Social Studies teacher, said.  

Jobs look favorably at students who travel abroad to study; these enhanced worldwide perspectives are crucial to ensuring a diverse, globally conscious workplace. When looking for new hires, managers oftentimes seek out those with international experience. Many colleges offer foreign learning opportunities through specialized programs; some universities, like Davidson College and New York University, have campuses located in different parts of the world for the sole purpose of expanding study abroad opportunities.  

“I hope to study abroad because I want to experience the culture of a different country while still working and staying busy with my studies,” Ali Gillam, junior, said.  

Studying abroad is said to be one of the most insightful and fruitful experiences in one’s educational career. It can be life-changing to venture out of one’s comfort zone and become immersed in a foreign environment, all while discovering more about oneself. To learn more about these opportunities, visit here.