One done, one to go

McKenna Guinn

More stories from Mckenna Guinn

Dear Etowah…
September 3, 2019

The end of the semester marks the first 18 weeks completed by new freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Depending on the grade level, each student has dealt with the new half of the year differently.

Freshmen are finally settling in and getting a handle on the new atmosphere of high school life. The transition from E.T. Booth to Etowah is a big leap and can be difficult to overcome, but as the first semester comes to a close, freshmen are now mostly adjusted.

“It [freshman year] has been really good. I love the environment, but it’s definitely a heavier workload than middle school. I just have to learn to use my time at home for school so that I can finish everything that needs to be done and take advantage of the time I have in class,” Collin Sheerer, freshman, said.

Sophomores are now on their second year of high school and understand more of what high school is all about. Still, a new year comes with brand new challenges these students have yet to face.

“It [the first semester] actually hasn’t been too stressful for me or anything, but it’s definitely a lot different than freshman year,” Griffin Coomes, sophomore, said.

Juniors are on their third year, and many are facing the never-ending pile of school work. This year is an important part of school for many. It is where colleges are typically beginning to look at students. It can be vital for juniors to push this year and work extremely hard to get their GPA up.

“First semester has been rough, but there’s been good memories. I’ve been trying to keep up with my grades, making sure I do my study guides and that I don’t have any unnecessary zeros in the grade book,” Lily Wardrip, junior, said.

For seniors, it is their fourth and final year at Etowah. Senior year is the ultimate push for students intending to go to college, or simply one last obstacle in their way of graduating.

“I’ve found myself so behind, and it’s extremely stressful. I’ve been turning everything in when I can, and thankfully, most of my teachers are helping me out a lot with my challenges this year,” Destiny Barnett, senior, said.

All in all, the first semester can be challenging for all students across every grade level, but with hard work and determination, students are looking to make the second semester of this year smoother. By applying what they have learned during this time, Eagles are getting prepared to show their improvement when the second semester begins in January.