Key Club

Are you looking for more ways to help the community and world you live in? Come join Key Club in room EE111 every other Tuesday. Members can choose to come in the mornings from 7:30-8:00 a.m. or after school. Each month, Key Club chooses a project to help the community.
Key Club’s first event was on Nov. 18. Club members and Kiwanis served pancakes and coffee at Applebee’s to people who bought a $7 ticket. The money from the tickets went to Shop With an Eagle (SWAE).
Other events they have participated in include: a peanut butter and jelly plastic jar drive for the Cherokee Kiwanis food bank, ringing bells at Walmart for the Salvation Army, and more.
“I really like the idea of going out in public and doing things to help the community or raising money for great causes,” Emilie Dudgeon, freshman club member, said.
The club has different levels for different age groups. Key Club is for high schoolers, but members can work their way up to Kiwanis, which is the adult version of the club. Kiwanis sponsors many of Key Club’s events, and many items gathered in Key Club’s food and shoe drives are given to Kiwanis to pass out the donations. Sponsor, Lisa Frantz, a Spanish teacher, is a member of Kiwanis and has had experience with the organization since she was in school.
“I first learned of the Kiwanis organization when I was a little girl. The Kiwanis volunteers were always very active in our community, reading to children at our school library, tutoring after school, and helping students who didn’t speak English at home to learn English as their second language. I got to experience the care and positive impact of the Kiwanis organization first hand, and so this is an opportunity for me to give back to those who gave to me,” Frantz said.
If you are looking for ways to help your community, join Key Club. There are many opportunities for service.

Hey! I’m Nicole. I’m the head of staff and an editor. Last year I was an exchange student in Spain, so you’ll notice a lot of my articles are about...