College credit? Don’t fret it.

Angel Beltran

More stories from Angel Beltran


It is late. Books and study sheets cover the table. Sleep is calling, but passing trumps sleep. Who can rest when tomorrow is the day AP students have been counting down to all school year? Tests in advanced placement (AP) classes are one problem, but AP exams are a whole other beast.  

“When I get into the exam room, my brain will fry, and I will cry,” Zora Joyner, senior, said. 

Many colleges will accept an AP class as a college credit depending on the student’s score on the AP exam. This adds to the stress of needing to pass the exam and waiting anxiously for the results in the summer. Many students are spending all of their free time studying and preparing for their exams. While AP exams are important, students should not stress themselves out too much. 

“We’ve prepared all year for AP exams, and even if I don’t pass, I have the rest of my life to go to college and get it worked out,” Kylie Geist, junior, said. 

Students have more than AP classes to worry about. Many students also participate in extracurricular activities. Being in a club, a sport, or having a job can take even more time out of a busy high school student’s schedule. Studying adds to this stress in the daily life of students. 

“It’s hard to find a good balance between studying, doing work, and extracurricular activities, but I think I’m handling it really well,” Basia Coleman, sophomore, said. 

Whether it is the first or last AP exam a student is taking, it is important to remember to take a break. Studying with friends will make it more bearable, and jokes shared while preparing can help students remember the content. Do not stay up all night stressing about the exam. Take a deep breath, watch some Netflix, and get a good night’s sleep.