Sophomore: Abby Higgs

Alyssa Pearson

More stories from Alyssa Pearson

Dear Etowah…
April 19, 2022

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What is your favorite part about being an Etowah Eagle?

My favorite thing about being an Etowah Eagle is the ability to be involved with so many activities. At Etowah, there are so many clubs, sports, and events going on constantly that it allows me an outlet to be social while also helping out those in need or even with sporting events. Without all the sporting events or school spirit, our school would be so lame.

What is your favorite subject and why?

History and weight training. History because I like learning about events that shaped humanity and weight training because I like to get swole.

 As of now, what career do you see yourself pursuing?

I want to be a psychologist/sociologist or someone who works with modern technology like a person who works at Apple.

What clubs/ sports are you involved in at Etowah?  

I’m in NEHS and I play soccer for Etowah, but I constantly help out clubs that I’m not involved in by donating and volunteering my time.

If you were to go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

I want to go to Brazil because the people are super cute and have a pretty language and accents. Also, my favorite national team is Brazil and Neymar plays there. Brazil also has a beautiful Terrain and beaches. Brazil is so unique so it would be such a beautiful place to go to.