One step at a time

For many sports teams, halftime is a break from all the action, but for the Dancing Eagles, the show has just begun. The Dancing Eagles team will perform during this year’s basketball season.
“To prepare for the season, I am trying to get extra hours in at the studio, and [I am] practicing at home as much as I can,” Gabrielle Bridges, freshman, said.
Brittany Chandler, Dancing Eagles coach, is looking for dancers with a background in jazz and skills such as: bilateral turns, lateral turns, leaps, flexibility, and great performance quality.
“I am working on different techniques and my performances every day when I am at competitive dance practice,” Caroline Booth, senior, said.
Like last year, the team will keep its costumes simple, so most of the attention can be on the skills and routine. This year, the team is planning on a plain top with black leggings and jazz shoes. The team has not decided the theme yet, but Chandler has many ideas in mind.
“I am beyond excited because this year, the routine will be a lot of fun and more outgoing. We will not only be performing at basketball games and pep rallies but competing against other schools, as well,” Tessa Liles, sophomore, said.
Having studied 20 years of jazz and ballet, Chandler is putting her years of experience to good use.
“Dance has been my passion since I was five years old. I love getting to know the team and watching them [the girls] perform,” Chandler said.
Students interested in joining the team can attend a second round of tryouts. Listen to the morning announcements, or check back on the Talon for the dates.

Hello, I am Alina Frederick, and this is my fourth year on staff. This year, I am the Head of Recruitment and Internal Affairs, sports supervisor, editor,...