Senior: Brazill Kaleem

Kellie Little

More stories from Kellie Little


What’s your favorite part about being an Etowah Eagle?
The teachers. They are always willing to help. They are kind and very inspirational. It was always nice seeing them in the hallways.

What’s your favorite subject and why?
My favorite subject is history. I enjoy learning about past cultures and customs.

As of now what career do you see yourself perusing?
I see myself traveling the world. Helping those in need! What job could be better?

What clubs/sports are you involved in at Etowah?
I’m a part of the East Wing leadership and tutoring team, the VP of Communications for the HoPe club, and a member of the Art Club, and the International Student Association.

If you were to go anywhere in the world where would you go and why? 
I’d go to Morocco! I love the vibrant colors and the culture