Sophomore: Matthew Periut

Nicole Martin

More stories from Nicole Martin

Summer bucket list
May 14, 2021

What is your favorite part about being an Etowah Eagle?

The thing I believe is the most enjoyable about being an Etowah Eagle is, for me, the atmosphere where there’s more support for one another than I’ve ever seen in any of the schools I’ve been in. Many students are out going and want to help any students in need, and teachers have so much hope in the students, it’s pretty incredible! Although, there will always be those who don’t fit in, but I strive to find those people, and so do many other students. Most of us have probably felt alone before, because we didn’t fit in or weren’t liked, and my TAA teacher told me and my fellow students to remember that feeling. Know that feeling when you go and say hello to someone who is alone. This is the great behavior encouraged by the staff and teachers because they really care about our lives as students. It really is unfortunate we can’t reach out to everyone so well, and it happens out of my view so I can’t help. Apparently there are other bad things happening in the school, and I’m completely unaware, although that doesn’t mean I don’t think so far overall we haven’t made a fantastic environment.

What is your favorite subject and why?

My favorite subjects is Math and Computer Science, and I say two because I’m really torn between the two since Computer Science is derivative of Math. Well, starting with Math, I enjoy it so much because of the way Math fits into the world. Math was taken from the world starting from counting, and has led to amazing things such as space travel, architecture, and computers. Yeah, you’ll have a lot of information that you’ll never truly use, but you can understand the numbers around you through high school and the perfection from thousands of years of work. Everything is exact and for me it brings peace of mind. As for computer science, I find it extremely fascinating when I can create a number shuffling machine to do anything with numbers, and eventually you can pass those numbers into other hardware to show something or make sounds. As I mentioned the world is Math, and because of this, all of the number shuffling can make even a separate world in a computer.

 As of now, what career do you see yourself pursuing?

I see myself going through computer science for the application of making game engines. This is a rapidly developing field where you constantly have to be on your toes for new technology and advances are made every week, because someone decided that they were gonna make something odd with a questions like “Can I drive a car with my mind?” (@MichealReeves). With programming you can create anything, although with anything and everything possible, there will always be infinite ways to improve, and that is why I enjoy computer science, for developing the infinite ways to improve.

What clubs/ sports are you involved in at Etowah?  

I have gone to and plan to continue going to the DND & table top games which exercises my creative side, Model UN which exercises debating skill, and key club which generally helps others. Honestly, I’ve always gone to a club, and I’ve been afraid. It’s pretty terrifying to be in a situation where you go somewhere new every time, but never have I once regretted it! Now I can wizard elf that debates a lot, while helping strangers!

If you were to go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

I would stay exactly where I am, because I really love nature and the place where I am now is so plentiful with it. I might move sometime soon depending on what my parents decide, and looking back I really think I’ll miss this place so much, especially since the kindness that was given to me over the years I’d leave behind for a lesser school where I won’t be challenged. Sure, it’d be nice to leave behind some things I regret doing, but overall I’ll just miss everyone and everything.