Gift-giving with a twist: White Elephant vs Secret Santa
Christmas is the holiday where everyone is giving, but the question is how. From White Elephant to Secret Santa, there is always a way to share your love with others.
“Christmas time is my favorite time of the year, and getting together with friends to exchange presents is my favorite part,” Caroline Kapcsos, freshman, said.
The game of Secret Santa is anonymously giving a gift to someone. After the exchange, you guess who your gift giver was, and your Secret Santa is revealed.
“My favorite part about Secret Santa is that I get to spend time with friends and exchange fun gifts,” Ava Azzarello, freshman, said.
White Elephant, another gift giving game, usually works best with six or more participants in the gift exchanges. Everyone in the group buys a gift, but for no specific person. Once a name card is drawn, the first person picks a gift and opens it. After the gift is opened, the next person’s turn begins. However, the trick is, the second person to go, could pick a gift or steal the first person’s gift. The turns keep on going until everyone receives a gift.
“Gift swaps are a better way to exchange gifts with friends rather than just giving,” Hallie Albright, sophomore, said.
According to the results of an Instagram poll, a majority of students voted Secret Santa over White Elephant. Students find it fun to receive gifts anonymously rather than knowing who it is from.
“Secret Santa is way better in my opinion because I like the idea of being anonymous and being able to know who I am buying the gift for,” Reed Schonberger, freshman, said.
No matter if the game is White Elephant or Secret Santa, giving gifts is and always will be one of the best-known ways to show appreciation towards loved ones during the holiday season.

Hi! My name is Holly Kate O’Brien, and this is my fourth year on staff. This year I am an editor and the head of marketing. I love this class because...