Senior spotlight: Jonathan Araujo

Nicole Martin

More stories from Nicole Martin

Summer bucket list
May 14, 2021

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What is your favorite part about being a senior this year? 

I think my favorite part about being a senior is that I feel like I have more responsibility and freedom, which, for me, is a good feeling. 

 What will you miss most once you have graduated? 

I will miss the friends I had and new people I would meet every day, especially my chorus class. 

 What are you going to miss the least? 

Going to school for 8 hours would be the least thing I’d miss if I’m honest. 

 Where do you hope to attend college? What do you plan on majoring in? 

Not quite sure yet, but I’m considering Georgia highlands and I plan on majoring in Journalism. However, I have not set my exact pathway so that could change. 

 What has been your most notable memory throughout your high school career? 

I’ve had many but one of them would be beating the #1 soccer team in the country, that was something crazy.