Tips for the terrible tests

The School District of Palm Beach County
With the holiday season here, many are thrilled with the thought of the upcoming winter break; however, others are stressed about finals coming, but there are some ways students can make sure they finish out the year strong.
Before finals week, make sure to maximize class time to study. Many teachers have finished their curriculum for the semester, so spend the time they give in class reviewing past units rather than doing nothing. Students should focus and personalize their study habits.
“Putting music on and being in a quiet environment helps me focus better,” Emily Ivers, freshman, said.
Studying with fellow peers is another effective method. Students can quiz each other on vocabulary terms, work together on guides, or even complete a practice test. Working with people one enjoys spending time with can boost motivation and improve scores. Doing this might be distracting for some, so using a public place like Copper Coin, a quiet coffee shop in Downtown Woodstock, can be helpful. Find more information about this brewery here.
“I like to go to a public setting to study so the atmosphere feels much less stressful, and I actually get my work done,” Gabrielle Bridges, senior, said.
Never be afraid to ask questions. Use the extra time to talk to a teacher about a topic that may be confusing. While this may not be an option for all students, the East WING is always there. Booking an appointment is fast and easy, and tutoring can even be done during lunch, and before or after school.
“Asking for help really makes a difference in my understanding and can even make the teacher more willing to work with you on other things,” Carson Allen, junior, said.
Take a deep breath. One test grade does not a define student, so make sure to remember it will all work out in the end. Do whatever works for de-stressing, which may include watching a movie, having a favorite holiday drink, or even just taking a nap. Focus on mental health during this stressful time, and make sure to do the best possible.
“During finals week, I always try to clear time for myself and plenty of time for sleep to prevent over-stressing and overloads of anxiety leading up to exams,” Ansley Rippey, junior, said.
Finals season might be extremely stressful for many, but remember that these grades do not define one’s value.

Hey! My name is Caroline Byars and I am a junior here at Etowah. This is my first year in journalism and I am so excited to work with everyone! Here at...