A senior night to remember: shoutout to my family
Being a senior is all about making the most out of the school year: spending time with friends while they are still around, making sure family is not too lost once students head off to college, and enjoying every tradition one last time. This year, it is different for everyone, but especially affected are the seniors.
Seniors expect so much, but lately have not been getting much in return. Unlike past years, this year’s Senior Night for football was Sept. 4 and recognized football players, cheerleaders, athletic trainers, band, and colorguard for their talents and their love for the school. Yes, the first football game of the season was much different than anyone ever expected, but members of Eagle Connection, parents, and teachers made it fun and exciting for everyone.
Lining up on the track waiting for my turn to walk down the field felt so surreal to me. I looked at the crowd of people looking back at me and all my friends, and it finally hit me. This is real. This is happening. With the two most supportive people in my life beside me, I was happy and excited for this year and this season. It was emotional, of course, but it was also the start of something and gave me hope for the rest of the season.
It meant so much to my classmates and me to be honored on Friday night, and now we hope for the rest of the season.
Mom and Dad, thank you for not missing one game and being the two loudest people in the crowd. I love you both so much.
Laurel, Biggie, Aunt Holly, Uncle Stacy, Taylor, Coleman, Collier, Mimi, Poppy, Aunt Kelly, Jeff, Connor, Caroline, Allie Claire… Thank you for supporting me and loving me always. I am so grateful to call you family.

Hi! My name is Holly Kate O’Brien, and this is my fourth year on staff. This year I am an editor and the head of marketing. I love this class because...