To mask or to not mask
With all the COVID-19 craziness, many are trying to make the best of the situation by buying or making stylish masks.
Some places like Amazon, TJMaxx, and Etsy have started selling them since everyone is looking for masks to protect themselves and wear in places where they are mandatory.
Around campus, students and faculty have been coordinating their masks with their outfits. Starting this trend has made wearing masks at school more enjoyable while keeping everyone feeling safer and more confident.
“I personally like wearing my black mask all the time because it matches everything,” Addison Szymanski, junior, said.
There are different styles of masks to ensure everyone’s safety. Surgical masks, homemade fabric masks, and cotton masks are a few examples of face coverings people may see around campus.
“My friend gave me a homemade mask that she tie-dyed, and I wear it everytime I go into public,” Caroline Byars, sophomore.
Some feel as though masks are a necessity while others do not like wearing them. Either way, many sports teams are doing everything they can to make sure they are able to play this year, so many athletes are encouraging their peers to wear masks, so the season will not be cancelled.
“[The football team] is trying to do their part in staying safe, so we can have a season,” Jake Putnam, senior, said.
No one knows when or how this will end, but students at Etowah are pushing through and making the best of it.
“Though you can’t see my smile, it is there under my mask,” Abby Allen, senior, said.
For students looking to find masks, click here for different options.

Hi! My name is Holly Kate O’Brien, and this is my fourth year on staff. This year I am an editor and the head of marketing. I love this class because...