Junior: Julia Garab
What is your favorite part about being an Etowah Eagle?
I loved the spirit and family-like community within the school!
What is your favorite subject and why?
My favorite subject was science for sure! I find it super interesting and there is always new things being discovered.
As of now, what career do you see yourself pursuing?
I wanna pursue a career in the medical field and I really want to be a cosmetic dermatologist.
What clubs/sports are you involved in at Etowah?
I am a Varsity sideline cheerleader and I am currently about to start my 10th season of cheering for Etowah.
If you were to go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
If I could go anywhere in the world I would go to the Maldives and live there for a year.

Hi! My name is Holly Kate O’Brien, and this is my fourth year on staff. This year I am an editor and the head of marketing. I love this class because...