A kickin’ summer

More stories from Libby Reach

A kickin' summer

For adults, teens, and children alike, summer bucket lists can be very different. From cliché wishes to goals at work, unique lists of accomplishments are used by many to kick start summer in a unique way.  

“I personally like them [summer bucket lists] because it gives you entertainment and something fun to do with your friends,” Julia Jenson, freshman, said. 

Most pre-teen and teen girls create lists of their summer goals. Many can imagine what this checklist includes. Entries like “dance in the rain” and “stargaze from the roof” are usually never accomplished. 

“I think that people should be more realistic with their bucket lists because some things need to happen naturally, and trying to plan out the perfect summer will probably leave you disappointed with what you didn’t do instead of being happy with whatever you did,” Kelsey Cleveland, freshman, said. 

Guys’ bucket lists are a different story. These are more likely to list girls snapchats on a sticky note or name various idiotic and dangerous tasks.  

“I plan to go to California for two weeks to get toasted on the beach; and I want to jump off my roof into my pool,” Zack Nunez, junior, said. 

For adults, bucket lists are a little more achievable. From getting promoted at work to traveling to a new country, people become more realistic with bucket lists as they age. 

“I hope to run the Peachtree Road Race and check it off my bucket list,” Haley O’Brien, Etowah parent, said.  

These to-do lists can include many different tasks, and no matter what is added to them, they ensure that everyone will have a fun packed summer break.