The fun is over 9000
All around the country, schools offer extracurricular activities and clubs. These school organizations involve many different topics, hobbies, or interests. Anime Club is just one among the long list at Etowah, but it is home to many students who share a similar passion.
“The club stands out because we are not your normal Model UN, Debate Club, or Honors Society. We’re just a bunch of nerds coming together who share a weird yet common interest,” Julia Covington, senior, said.
Anime Club meets Tuesdays from 3:20 p.m to 4:30 p.m in room 4105. Members spend time watching and conversing over the latest animes and manga [comic books] in the Japanese culture. Science teacher Lara McDonald runs the club and offers a safe space for each member to meet new people who have similar interests.
“We…expose our members to many different anime. If they like the first episode, they can go home and watch more of the seasons,” McDonald, said.
McDonald also offers Halloween, Christmas, and end of the year parties for members. The parties include an extended meeting, and the members watch an appropriately chosen themed movie or a series instead of the regular one or two episodes.
“During Anime Club we grouped together to watch one of my favorite animes. We also eat snacks which is pretty epic,” Jacob Hite, freshman, said.
The club welcomes new members every week encouraging students to join their weekly meetings and festivities.
“Anyone is welcome in the club; the club is pretty small, and everyone in there knows each other,” Antonio Deleo-Perera, senior, said.

Hello! Howdy-do! My name is Mia Jacobs and I am one of your Co Editor-in-Chiefs this school year! I am super excited for the year and what is to come....