Three months in, two more to go
Like every year, 2019 has been the year of firsts and the year of lasts for high school students. Freshmen are eagerly anticipating the end of their first year of high school and are excited to no longer be told to “go home” by upperclassmen while seniors are anxious for the end of their final year and to finally be done with senioritis.
“I have had countless tests, track meets, and fun memories with my friends. I’ve had so many cool opportunities and can’t wait for the rest of this year,” Tessa Liles, sophomore, said.
The next two months are creeping up for students since they have a short amount of time until the summer. Although it may be a stressful time right now for students at the school, everyone is ready for the shift to sunny days and warmer weather.
“It is going by very fast, but I am happy that it is almost over. I am looking forward to spending spring break and prom one last time with all of my friends before graduation,” Tyler Freas, senior, said.
The past three months have been jam-packed with memorable moments for students at Etowah. There was the first winter formal; Nerf Wars began; spring sports started; winter sports ended; the Mr. EHS fundraiser took place, and students enjoyed the start to second semester.
In the beginning of the year, many people started off by hitting the gym and eating healthier. As hopeful as many were in their fitness goals, fewer people stuck to their new regimen as the year progressed. Although fitness resolutions are common, lately people have been making decisions contributed to their mental health or appearance. Some students challenged themselves to stay as positive.
“It has been pretty easy at times, but when some tough things happen in life, it is hard to not stress over them. I think I will be able to complete this resolution throughout the year, though,” Sydney Runyan, junior, said.
There is still plenty remaining before the end of this school year, even though it may seem like it is almost over. Spring break, prom, college commitments, graduation, and finals are quickly approaching, causing both fear and excitement among students, with everyone excitedly waiting for what the 2019 school year has left for them.

Hello, I am Alina Frederick, and this is my fourth year on staff. This year, I am the Head of Recruitment and Internal Affairs, sports supervisor, editor,...