The stars are a-lying to you
Sorry, I do not know how to start this, probably because I am a Libra, and we are really indecisive. One thing I do know is that astrology is garbage, and you should not be blaming their actions because the stars were aligned in a certain way the day you were born. The stars do not make up your entire personality. This is about to heat up, so if you cannot handle what about I am about to say, then do what a Pisces does best: escape the situation.
Looking at zodiac stereotypes can be fun, but they are basically baseless. No one cares if you are acting rude because you are a Scorpio; it is not an excuse. Also, no one cares if Mercury is in retrograde because it appears to be moving backwards; just take responsibly for your actions. Get your entitled Leo self out of here.
Horoscopes are overgeneralized, so they are easy to relate to. Sometimes, it can be interesting to take them seriously, but it is good to know that they are mostly nonsense. Obviously, if you are a control freak Virgo, then someone else telling you how your day is going to go is not helpful. Same thing goes for Sagittarius; if they are independent and hate being told how to live, then why should they trust horoscopes? Cancers should not really be trusting the stars in the first place if they are apparently so suspicious.
Look, I get it. You are a highly emotional Gemini, but if this is hurting your feelings, then just go read something else. I only speak the truth of how we should not be so reliant on our signs. If you believe that Aries are passive aggressive and Capricorns are cold–hearted, that does not mean everyone with those signs are passive aggressive or cold-hearted.
If you are a stubborn Taurus or Aquarius who does not want to take my word on this, it is okay. Everyone can have his or her opinion. Crystals, however, totally have some magic healing powers, so take all the excitement about the stars, and instead invest in crystals.

Hi! My name is Angel and this is my third year on staff. You may not recognize me because I chopped all of my hair off in an identity crisis, but one thing...