Piloting the program

Madeline Bernard

More stories from Madeline Bernard

Stephen Bergey, Etowah’s new Junior ROTC teacher, breaks through the new year with confidence. He teaches alongside Tanya Hagarman, who has been at Etowah since 2016.

Bergey grew up in Cobb County, and his grandparents lived near Etowah, so he felt this was a perfect match. Bergey took over Major Christian Ward’s position after Ward returned to the Air Force.

The Junior ROTC class is not only for students wanting to pursue a military career; it teaches like any other class would but helps build interpersonal intelligence rather than logical-mathematical intelligence. Bergey encourages students to join the class to learn these life skills.

“I think we offer a great program. […] We teach self-confidence and leadership,” Bergey said.

Bergey urges his students to try their best, as qualities such as self-confidence and leadership are beneficial in any career.

“I almost demand excellence on my students. I want them to care about following through,” Bergey said.

Not only does he push his students, but Bergey pushes himself to be the best he can be. After receiving three Bachelor’s degrees and serving in the Air Force for over 16 years, he takes time to think about his actions every day to see where he can improve his own abilities.

“At the end of each day, I spend 15-20 minutes reflecting with intention on improving,” Bergey said.

Bergey hopes to help all his students achieve their dreams by teaching them to not be afraid to pursue them.