Capping off the semester
More stories from Libby Reach
As the semester comes to an end, the stress of senior boards is finally over, and seniors are celebrating their success. Etowah seniors presented their Senior Capstone projects Dec. 11 and 12, and students and teachers are glad that the assignment is complete.
“I’m so excited now that the Senior Capstone is coming to an end because this semester has been filled with so much work and so many deadlines. I feel like now I finally have the weight lifted off my shoulders, and I can finally enjoy senior year,” Emerson Amick, senior, said.
Seniors were to report to the senior lounge on their designated day 15 to 30 minutes before their scheduled time. Anxiety was high as the students signed in and waited outside of their assigned rooms.
“I think I did really well! The judges seemed to be interested in my project, and I made my time, so I was really happy and relieved about that,” Caroline Booth, senior, said.
Seniors have been working since the beginning of the semester to complete their five learning experiences, write their research paper, and practice their stand and delivers for the judges.
“It was a long process with lots of learning, a new experience for school projects,” Andrew Keenan, senior, said.
Senior English teachers are relieved to be moving away from the Senior Capstone and instead moving more towards the curriculum.
“I am very relieved just because I know it was stressing out my students. Once they are over this hump, they will feel good and be able to relax going into break. For the most part, it’s helpful for them because it’s done, and it won’t be a weight on their shoulders,” Morgan Barton, Advanced Composition teacher, said.
This year’s senior class can now move on from the Senior Capstone, while the English teachers will review this year’s Capstone, and tweak where needed.