Georgia weather is the equivalent to the Katy Perry song “Hot N Cold.” One day wearing shorts is acceptable, and the next, everyone is bundled up to keep from freezing. Georgians are constantly wishing for the opposite season; during the summer, they want winter and vice versa.
Etowah’s outdoor campus may impact the students constant complaining about the weather. It seems that every day there is something new for students to complain about. No one is ever completely ready for the drastic drop in temperature or to walk outside and start sweating.
Georgia does not have the privilege like in the movie “The Ultimate Christmas Present,” where two girls made it snow in Los Angeles on Christmas. Georgia is not guaranteed snow every year, but everyone wants the white flurries to fall from the sky. However, when it does snow, no one is prepared and starts wishing for it be warmer. This is not the episode of “Phineas and Ferb” where they made s’winter through an upgraded snow cone machine, causing snow in the summer.
Spring and fall exist to transition between the two extreme seasons, but they go by quickly. Everyone needs to brace themselves for the conditions because they are not changing anytime soon. At least it is not cheese snow like in “Merry Christmas, Drake and Josh.”

Hi! My name is Angel and this is my third year on staff. You may not recognize me because I chopped all of my hair off in an identity crisis, but one thing...