School grub hub

More stories from Libby Reach

Walking into the lunchroom, tantalizing aromas drift through the air, freshly made burgers, cheesy nachos, crispy chicken nuggets. Lunch is a daily routine for many Etowah students, but whether students bring lunch or purchase one, probably every student has tasted a school lunch. 

“The grilled chicken is my favorite,” Daniel Efunwa, junior, said.  

The lunchroom at Etowah East serves the same food as the main cafeteria but has fewer choices. There are a variety of different options for all different types of eaters. The menu fits the needs of vegans, vegetarians, meat eaters, and even picky eaters. 

“I don’t eat meat, so I usually buy uncrustables from the cafeteria, but I really enjoy the pasta,” Claire Williams, freshman, said. 

According to a survey of 15 Etowah students, two-thirds voted that the french fries (potato wedges) are the best tasting food at Etowah because of their seasoning and availability nearly daily. Another choice is pasta. Students appreciate that the pasta does not have any “bad pieces,” meaning uncooked or cold noodles. 

“My favorite lunch food is the pasta because it’s the most edible thing here,” Kali Terza, sophomore, said. 

Many students who eat cafeteria lunch say that they look forward to international offerings, such as the Crispitos and Chinese food.  

“It’s [Tso’s General Chicken] the best food they have. I always get seconds when they have it,” Nicholas Martin, sophomore, said. 

Occasionally, the cafeteria staff has a special for the day. This is often Chinese food, but students have also commented on the breakfast for lunch and other rare items found in the cafeteria.  

“I like it when they mix it up and make something cool,” Riley Miller, freshman, said.  

Etowah gives many options as to where students sit at lunch and what to eat. Students are busy throughout the day, so the cafeteria staff ensures that they always have something to eat.