Freshman: Will Brenneman

Alyssa Pearson

More stories from Alyssa Pearson

Dear Etowah…
April 19, 2022

What is your favorite part about being an Etowah Eagle?

When I think about being an Eagle, it makes me think of the person I could be in the future. The outcome of rigorous years doing work to become smarter and sharper minded in the real world. It comes to the total outcome of me and several others being able to have a shot of greatness and soar like and eagle.

What is your favorite subject and why?

My favorite subject is Math because of how many things it links to outside of school. It comes really easy to me and I am able to incorporate it in a real world problem. It makes me feel comfortable knowing this subject well.

As of now, what career do you see yourself pursuing?

At first, I thought I would be an actor, which is a possibility but a long shot for sure. So I went to a more reasonable outlet and realized I would enjoy spending my time in nature as a zoologist. Once I become successful enough in that, I will start my own company and teach people, mostly kids, the importance of God’s creation.

What clubs/sports are you involved in at Etowah?

I am in cross country that just ended just a couple of weeks ago. I was in varsity and enjoyed the sport a lot. It was a really good way to represent our team spirit and our school’s fellowship. I am not currently in any clubs as of now because of the commitment to cross country, but I am planning to get a lot more involved with the school’s activities.

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

If I were to go anywhere, it would definitely be Africa. I think Africa is such a free spirited and beautiful place to go in your lifetime. I would also go there for the fact that there are a lot of exotic, interesting animals and nature there. It would be a good way to enjoy yourself and get away for a while.