The week of school spirit
Homecoming week is one of the most eventful weeks for Etowah, as it includes a parade, a festival, themes to dress up for each day to school, and a homecoming court for students to be a part of.
“As a freshman, I am excited to participate in homecoming week by dressing up for all the themes and attend the festival,” Sadie Brooks, freshman, said.
The themes for the week include: PJ Day; Mathletes versus Athlete; Favorite Meme Day; Twin Day; Everything Etowah.
“I love my school, and school spirit is a big deal to me, so participating in homecoming week themes is major,” Rhod Many, senior, said.
The student body selected classmates for homecoming court. Those elected get the chance to represent their class and walk across the field with partner during halftime.
“It’s an honor to be representing my grade for the second year in a row on homecoming court. Thank you to everyone who voted for me,” Taylor Glass, junior, said.
Homecoming week brings the school together and keeps everyone more interacted. The JV and freshmen cheer squads cheer along with varsity team at the football game.
“Cheering with varsity makes me excited for when I am able to cheer with them on Friday Night Lights,” Abby Allen, sophomore, said.
The football team is preparing for its next game tonight and is ready to take on the Cherokee Warriors at home. The team practices four days a week for three hours each day. Each practice, the team watches films of itself playing and incorporates team bonding, so they work better together on the field.
“Now that we are in region games, the intensity and pressure are definitely higher because the games start to count as more but we watch film to prepare us. We stay close to each other at team dinners every Thursday night talking about what we’re going to do to get on the same page,” Cade Gantt, senior, said.
The festival is Sept. 29 from 12-3 p.m. in the ET Booth parking lot. Come be a part of all the homecoming fun.

Hello, I am Alina Frederick, and this is my fourth year on staff. This year, I am the Head of Recruitment and Internal Affairs, sports supervisor, editor,...