Eagles of the opera

The choir will be having its annual fall concert next month that will bring opera to Etowah, and not just the phantom kind.

‘’I am excited to perform for the first time this year. I hope everything sounds good,’’ Skylar Payne, senior, said.

The Women’s Intermediate Choir will be performing various songs, including a song called “Sound of the Trumpet.” This year, the women will be performing songs in both Italian and English. In order to make sure everyone knows when to start singing, they practice a skill called musical security, where students are in a mixed formation, with sopranos and altos separated, to ensure they know their part in the song.

‘’Some of the songs are hard to learn, but I am excited to perform in the opera- themed concert,’’ Capri Kelly, senior, said.

On Sept. 29, the Men’s Choir will perform at Young Harris College Men’s Chorus Day. Before competing in Orlando. Many members of the Men’s Choir graduated last year, but October’s concert will feature new voices.

‘’We lost a lot of great voices last year, but the new kids are great, and I have a feeling that we are going to be either just as good or better this year than we were last year,’’ Duke Jenkins, sophomore, said.

The Elite Women’s Choir will be singing multiple songs, including “Witches,” a song from Macbeth, and the lyrics are adapted from the witches’ spell in the play. They will also be singing songs in Italian like “Va Pensiero.” The Elite Choir will be in a mixed formation.

‘’A lot of our songs are in Italian, which is really cool, and a lot of them aren’t ordinary songs that you’d normally hear a choir sing,’’ Logan Becker, senior, said.

Come and support the Etowah Eagles on Oct. 4 at 7 p.m. in the auditorium to hear what the opera is all about.