Freshman: Alyssa Medley
More stories from Jazz Sturdivant

What is your favorite part about being an Etowah Eagle?
I don’t exactly have a favorite part of Etowah right now. It’s a mix of being able to see more of my friend and having more responsibilities.
What is your favorite subject and why?
My favorite subject right now is math because my teacher (Mr. Beckham) takes participation grades and how he tries to not make it all about math so sometimes he will tell stories off topic or personal stories.
As of now, what career do you see yourself pursuing?
As of right now I would like to be a nurse Practitioner.
What clubs/sports are you involved in at Etowah?
I am not involved in any clubs at the moment, but I am thinking track, young life, or HOSA.
If you were to go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
I would love to see Europe’s countries. Since I was little I have loved Paris and have wanted to go there with my mom. I am also started taking Spanish this year, so I am also thinking Spain in the distant future.