Ending the season with a BANG
Another year; another great season. Etowah spring sports are done for the year, and the players are proud of their accomplishments.
The Etowah gymnastics team made school history by placing fourth at state. This was the first year the team made it to the state finals.
“The season was so fun since everyone stepped up their skills to score higher and be the best,” Kristin Dyson, junior, said.
Etowah boys’ varsity lacrosse also had a successful season. It was the first year Etowah hosted a lacrosse playoff game, and the boys made it to the second round of playoffs losing to Centennial.
“My favorite part about this season was all the friendships and memories we made throughout the season,” Broderick Herring, freshman, said.
The girls’ varsity soccer team made it to the first round of playoffs, while the boys’ varsity team made it to the “Sweet Sixteen” games.
“Being a freshman, it was hard to get adjusted at first, but in the end, it was the highlight of my year and I grew not only as a player but also as a student,” Maggie Bradley, freshman, said.
The boys’ varsity baseball team made it to the third round of playoffs against Parkview. The coaches and players were happy to have made it so far and were proud of how their season went.
“The season went good; we started out slow but started playing better going into the playoffs. We knew we had to win on the road,” Taydan Devargas, sophomore, said.
This track season, freshman Kali Terza, junior Ameer Salame, and senior Caden Rechsteiner all made it to state finals at Berry College. Rechsteiner made it to the “Elite 8” at the state meet.
“We are excited to be participating and are very proud to be representing Etowah,” Terza, freshman, said.
With the school spring sports ending, the fall sports are already focusing on their upcoming season for the next school year. Overall, the Etowah spring sports did great this year and proudly represented Etowah.
Hello, I am Alina Frederick, and this is my fourth year on staff. This year, I am the Head of Recruitment and Internal Affairs, sports supervisor, editor,...