Tweets @ Etowah
Twitter is the app that every person can relate to and get a good laugh out of. For Etowah students, it can also be used to catch up on the latest school news. All students have to do is type in “Etowah” into the Twitter search bar, and multiple accounts will show up.
If students, teachers, parents, or staff cannot make it to the big baseball game of the season, just follow the Etowah Twitter page @Etowahbaseball to stay caught up with play-by-plays of the game. In fact, people can do this with almost any team at the school.
Club accounts highlight members’ achievements and keep those who follow up-to-date on any upcomig events or fundraisers. Club accounts such as @Etowahart, @EtowahHS_HOSA, @EtowahStudServ, and @EtowahVideoClub, all help members of the community stay in the know.
The @EtowahNewspaper and @EtowahYrbk18 accounts tweet out information pertaining to what is happening on Eagle Mountain. Whether it is how people feel about the new CCR bell or to keep up with when yearbooks go on sale, these accounts can help stay people informed.
The most popular Twitter account in all Cherokee County is, of course, the Cherokee County page @Cherokeeschools. Here, people from all over the county can stay updated on weather reports, student and teacher achievements, and stay up-to-date on any of the latest news.
To stay current on what is happening at Etowah, simply follow Etowah’s main page, @EtowahHS.

Hello, I am Alina Frederick, and this is my fourth year on staff. This year, I am the Head of Recruitment and Internal Affairs, sports supervisor, editor,...