Etowah’s got talent
Kaitlin Faust’s senior project, Etowah’s Got Talent, lived up to its name. Held Friday Dec. 15 in Etowah’s auditorium, Faust had one goal in focus: to raise money for the special needs program.
“I figured that hosting a talent show would be a fun and easy way to raise money for my friends in the special needs classrooms,” Faust said.
People of all ages participated in Faust’s project from middle school students to even some of Etowah’s very own teachers. At the end of the show, one of her special needs friends, Anderson Sisk, provided a special performance dedicated to his brother, Jackson, and to Kaitlin.
“Anderson’s performance is why I do what I do,” Faust said.
Her goal for this project was to raise a total of $1,500 total for the classrooms. In order to reach that amount, she sold t-shirts at school, asked a $15 participation fee, charged $5 for admission, and accepted donations.
“This process would not be possible without the help of Coach Burton and Mrs. Massey,” Faust added.
From past experiences of being a part of the special needs program, Faust realized that certain tools were becoming a necessity in the classroom. She raised over $2000 to donate to Etowah’s special needs program. This money will be used to better the students’ learning environment and supply them with any tools they may need.
“This project has become one of my greatest accomplishments and something I will cherish for the rest of my life. I am leaving this group with a piece of me forever,” Faust said.
Senior Abby Heath hosted the show, introducing each act as they came on stage. Her humorous interaction with the audience helped add to the friendly feel throughout the performance.
“It was fun being involved in Kaitlin’s big project,” Heath said.
With many hours of practice, contestants were given a couple of minutes to showcase their skills for the audience to enjoy.
“I think the show was awesome! Everyone had their own unique talent, and I loved watching it. It was for such a good cause that participating in the show was an awesome thing to do,” Becca Zimny, junior, said.
Overall, Faust’s idea became a success, and she is more than excited to be able to provide for the children and staff of the special needs program.

Hello, I am Alina Frederick, and this is my fourth year on staff. This year, I am the Head of Recruitment and Internal Affairs, sports supervisor, editor,...