Senior spotlight: Allison Billbrough
More stories from Tabitha Wright

What is your favorite part about being a senior this year?
My favorite part about being a senior is that the classes get easier, even the AP level classes senior year seem to have a lot lighter work load. I like having more time to see my friends and family.
What will you miss most once you have graduated?
I will miss seeing my friends every day. I love being around my friends and school is a good opportunity to see them.
What are you going to miss least?
I will definitely miss the work load the least. After working hard for four years, I am glad to have my first summer off.
Where do you hope to go to college? What do you plan on majoring in?
I would like to go to Auburn University. I am not sure on my major yet, so my first year would probably be experimenting with what i’m interested in.
What has been your most notable memory throughout your high school career?
My most notable memory would have to be band camp m freshman year. I was super excited to meet a bunch of new people and hang out with friends while learning new skills.