EAGLES open a book

Madeline Fisher

More stories from Madeline Fisher

Instas vs. Finstas
May 13, 2019

Every Friday morning before school, Etowah’s student athletes read to local elementary school students in order to encourage the importance of literacy.  

“It’s a positive and humbling experience,” Steve Sapere, media center specialist, said.  

Sapere is the adviser for Etowah Athletes Growing Literacy in Elementary Schools (E.A.G.L.E.S.). He contacts Etowah coaches and asks them to hand-pick a few of their athletes that will best in representing Etowah. Every Friday before school, juniors and seniors read to students in their school gym or cafeteria.  

“I love that each time we go they are always so excited to read and just hang out with us,” Alexis Hart, junior, said.  

Etowah’s feeder schools include: Oak Grove, Boston, Clark Creek, and Bascomb elementary schools. The high school students only read to kindergarten and first graders and are encouraged to wear apparel representing their team.  

“Younger kids look up to them,” Sapere said. 

Sapere has divided the athletes into two groups. One group visits Bascomb and Boston, while the other visits Oak Grove and Clark Creek. The two groups switch off every other Friday and are eligible to receive one hour of community service per visit.  

“My favorite part is seeing how excited they get to read and see the ‘big kids’ come,” Jessie Cohen, senior, said.  

Sapere hopes to grow the program to the point where Etowah reaches out to our middle school, E.T. Booth, so Etowah’s student athletes can bond and inspire them as well. #ONEEAGLE