Behind-the-scenes: Etowah Yearbook

Everyone knows of the school yearbook, but students do not know the people behind it all. Since August, a dedicated team of students has been working diligently to make the annual school book as perfect as it can be.
“People don’t understand how hard and time consuming it is to make the school yearbook, but it is so fun to see the finished product in the end and their reactions,” Anabelle Ingersoll, junior, said.
The staff works together to include all aspects of Etowah. Every year, the class tries to make the yearbook’s theme different and better than the one before.
“Everyone should expect to be in it and enjoy at least one of the categories included,” Brittany Miller, freshman, said.
Opal Mason, new to yearbook this year, got inspired to take on the task of being the advisor since she has a background in marketing and loves to make everyone feel included.
“I wanted to try something new, and I felt that this was a good fit for me,” Mason, advisor, said.
There are traditional categories in the yearbook and editors for each one. Anabelle Ingersoll is the sports editor; Lily Belcher covers student life; Kui Iruki edits clubs and academics, and Caroline Booth overlooks everything and is considered “editor in chief.”
“I am the first junior at Etowah that has ever been the editor and chief, and I feel so honored that I was chosen for the first time,” Caroline Booth, junior, said.
Etowah’s yearbook staff is extremely excited to show the school its finished product in May.

Hello, I am Alina Frederick, and this is my fourth year on staff. This year, I am the Head of Recruitment and Internal Affairs, sports supervisor, editor,...