Freshman impression
High school. It is a once in a lifetime experience; others call it a dramatic change. Some say it is the best four years of our life; others say it is the worst. For me, it will be the best. It is high school, after all. I am a freshman, and I have the chance to decide “who I am” and what I want to become.
“It’s a whole new chapter of my life that I’m more than excited to achieve,” Amanda Buchheit, freshman, said.
Two months into the school year, I am already noticing the development from middle school to high school. The independence is greater; the rules are not as strict; the homework is loaded, and the classes become more difficult. Freshmen are getting a taste of the high school experience, and we are unsure how we feel.
“The responsibilities are more excelled and people change more and more,” Lauren Saale, freshman, said.
Many say there are pros and cons, but I think that a main advantage to high school, is that it feels like you are leaving the baby stage of life, and entering the pre-adult world. Grown-up work gets harder, and it can lead to more stress. Some students enjoy the increase in responsibility more than others.
“It can get stressful with all the new responsibilities and life outside of school, but the change is fun,” Brock Rechsteiner, freshman, said.
Some students say that high school has caused time away from their family because of all the homework and sports they have. It is a part of the change that we are going to have to get used to.
“After the first couple of weeks of high school, the process becomes easier,” Erin Whalen, freshman, said.
Overall, freshmen students can handle the new obstacles, but we just have to notice the amount of effort that has to be put into it.

Hello, I am Alina Frederick, and this is my fourth year on staff. This year, I am the Head of Recruitment and Internal Affairs, sports supervisor, editor,...
holly kate obrien • Oct 24, 2017 at 8:52 am
You are such a great writer! I love seeing you grow in your writing;)