Hallway PDA* (please do abstain…)

Madeline Bernard

More stories from Madeline Bernard

The notorious high school relationships…You know them — people making out in the halls and blocking our way. Often, many couples regret what they have done once they are broken up. There are couples everywhere as we try to navigate to classes before the tardy bell. You merely walk 20 feet to find one somewhere. Some meet up in the courtyard trying to find each other’s tonsils.

On your way to Etowah East, you can see plenty of couples gripping each other’s hands, preparing to leave for a full hour, and you feel unholy watching. It is a travesty, having to wait 60 minutes to see the other part of your soul!

Compared to adult relationships, high school ones seem more immature because of the rapidity and haste at which they move at that age.

“My friend has dated over seven guys this school year because she decided to move on,” Grady Harsey, freshman, said.

According to BrandonGaille.com, only two percent of marriages today are from a high school relationship, so what is the point of it?

Well, at this age, hormones begin to rage, and students feel as though they need to have somebody to hold them and kiss them.

“We as teenagers are learning how to construct better, longer lasting relationships with other people or lovers. Teenagers’ relationships are important to them, and that can interfere with grades and keep you from school work. Adults have been in the ‘real world’ for longer than high school students, and they can organize priorities and relationships better, making adult relationships more mature than teen relationships,” Evan Austic, sophomore, said.

The main problem is that most dive in too quickly, so it can backfire. Before really getting to know the person, you want to have the label of “boyfriend/girlfriend.”

Some can be desperate, so they find anybody, and it can emotionally hurt because you are more open in a romantic relationship.

“In high school, I feel like a good bit of us feel pressured to find a ‘significant’ other, which leads us to make irrational and immature decisions,” Alex Myers, freshman, said.

High school relationships are about finding who and what you like. Everybody is different, and finding love can be the biggest priority. Just slow down, and let it find you.