The ABCs of lettering

Madeline Fisher

More stories from Madeline Fisher

Instas vs. Finstas
May 13, 2019

Once upon a time, only jocks and rah rahs earned the coveted letterman’s jacket. That was then; this is now.

Students traditionally earn letters by being a part of any varsity sports team. It is up to the coach’s discretion if they think the student deserves it. The best way to ensure you get a letter is by having good sportsmanship, showing up to practices, and putting in your best work at all games.

In order to letter in academics, students must maintain a 90 or above weighted numeric grade average (NGA) for two consecutive years. Then they could qualify for the Lamp of Knowledge which is three years of maintaining a 90 or above NGA.

But if sports and academics are not your thing, no need to fear. If you have 60 hours of community service in a single school year, you are eligible to letter for your service. You must record all of your work on a table that is provided by the Student Ambassadors program. Once filled out, turn the forms into the bin outside of Ms. Spzindor’s room in the upper part of the administration building, room 7206.

Another way to letter is to join Etowah’s marching band. Band students are judged by a point value system. Students can earn points by attending camp days, rehearsals, and competitions. Being selected for district and all-state honor bands are another way to gain points.

Band is not the only musical activity students can letter in; chorus is an option, as well. The chorus director, Mr. Hall, also judges students using a point scale. Students have the chance to earn points by attending school concerts, auditions, volunteer work, and rehearsals.

No matter who you are or where your talent lies, you have the opportunity to earn a letter in high school. Now get out there and do it!