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In today’s day and age, everyone is on social media. Even Cherokee County School District. With all the winter weather warnings, many counties around Cherokee released school early. Cherokee had not made any announcement on cancelling or releasing school earlier this month when temperatures plummeted, and the threat of icy conditions was real. Students decided to take to Twitter to ask Cherokee County about closing school. The replies from Cherokee County’s Twitter page were not they typical, mundane responses; they were clever and engaging.
Cherokee’s savage replies to students is definitely not what you would expect from a school system’s Twitter page. Some were just replies, but some had gifs attached. The tweets ranged from correcting grammar, telling students not to worry, advising them to do their homework, and just general sarcasm toward those students clamoring for early dismissal.
So many people saw the tweets that several news outlets covered the unfolding story. Huffington Post, 11 Alive, WSB TV, and PopSugar are a few that wrote about it. Not only did Cherokee students, teachers, and staff enjoy the snarky remarks, but also people on the other side of the country. Over all, the Twitter page grew by 4,000 followers.
This year is not the first time that Cherokee County’s Twitter replied to students in such a way. It started last year during winter weather warnings to help engage students. While the tweets have returned to the routine, who is to say that another occasion will not spark more savage tweets from the mastermind(s) behind the Twitter page?

Hi! My name is Angel and this is my third year on staff. You may not recognize me because I chopped all of my hair off in an identity crisis, but one thing...