Sharing memories one page at a time

More stories from Christen Ellenberg

“Yearbook is all about preserving memories, making a time capsule to look back on at various stages in life,” Margo Kemmerer, yearbook teacher said.

Offered as a class at Etowah, yearbook students take part in making the memories of their classmates and teachers. Like the journalism class, yearbook allows students to get a real-world experience creating the actual yearbook.

“It allows you to have your input and teaches you important ways to communicate with your peers,” Madi Hines, freshman said.

Interested in yearbook? Grab an application and apply. Margo Kemmerer, the yearbook teacher loves working with students. The students are able to hang out with friends and create memories while being able to share them through the yearbook.

Yearbook is a part of journalism, which means, you will need to write and create quotes or notes about the memories that go into the yearbook.

“I would highly recommend joining yearbook; everyone in the class is friends and gets to be in class with others than just your own grade,” Riley Bowen, freshman said.

Join yearbook; meet new people; create memories that will last a lifetime, and you will be able to see all your hard work when the yearbook is published in the spring.

Get your yearbook now! To purchase yours, go to, type in # 2061 to get your yearbook!