Leaving behind memories
As a freshman, I have not had a whole year to experience how amazing a principal Keith Ball is for Etowah. However, after only one semester, I realize how much of an impact he made on the school since he became principal. He has a one of a kind personality that makes him so likable to students and teachers. He cares about what is happening around the school. Hearing that Ball was leaving broke my heart, but focusing on the positive aspects of the situation is always better.
While we may be sad as Ball’s last day approaches, the opportunity was something he could not ignore. It allows him to move closer to his family and help other people. He has definitely changed Etowah for the better. Before Ball’s arrival at the school, Etowah was very different; it was not as nice as it is currently. Now Ball leaves memories as a principal that made people around Etowah happier.
All good things come to an end, so I do not feel upset about having a new principal. I have gone to a school where year after year, we had a new principal, and I never felt sad about any of them, but Ball left an impression on me in only five months. While we will miss Ball, we should look forward to what a new principal could bring. Someone new could come and make just as much as an impact as Ball.
Hi! My name is Angel and this is my third year on staff. You may not recognize me because I chopped all of my hair off in an identity crisis, but one thing...