Blast from the past

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Up until 1976, Cherokee High School was the only high school in Cherokee County. Then Etowah opened.
“I believe there were about 60 people to graduate when I graduated,” Anita Wilson, Class of 1978, said.
Etowah originally started out with just the old gym, the C building, the old science building, and the 6000 building, but has been updated since. The administration building, the new gym, the new science building, the auditorium, and Etowah East have all been added since then.
“Etowah has changed dramatically,” Maria Maes, Class of 2005, said.
The main office was once a gravel student parking lot. The front office was in the C building where the counselors are today. Back then, you could see straight through to the cafeteria. Etowah did not have stadium lights until after its first season of football, and the track was just gravel and dirt.
“I wish Etowah had all the student opportunities that they have now when I attended,” Sandy Yarborough, Class of 1983, said.
Most alumni wish they had all the resources students have today, ranging from electronics to clubs and scholarships. The senior lounge is also something that most alumni would have liked when they attended.
“Etowah has changed quite a bit. The gym was not there when I was there; we didn’t have the coffee shop, and all of the landscaping was different,” Erin Reece, Class of 2004, said.
Students districted to attend Etowah when it first opened had the opportunity to pick the school’s name, mascot, and colors.
“I remember one of the choices for the name was Sequoyah; I thought it was interesting when they later named a high school that,” Anita Wilson said.

Hi! I'm Maddy Fisher and this is my fourth year on staff. This year, I am the Editor-in-Chief of The Talon, and I am so excited for this school year. I...