From grueling war to major climate patterns, it truly has been quite an intense kickoff for 2025—but not for the better. Clearly, the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists (BAS) thinks this too, for on Jan. 28, they concluded that the globe has entered the year with only 89 seconds left to go on the Doomsday Clock, worrying many and raising awareness for the planet’s shady outlook on the future.
Created in 1947, the Doomsday Clock is a metaphor for when exactly humanity will have driven itself into global distinction. The BAS, influenced by the rising nuclear weapons threat, intended for the clock to be thought of not as a scare, but as a warning to society, bringing awareness to the concerning global state to prevent further devastation. Upon its creation, the clock was set to seven minutes until midnight, fluctuating both closer to and farther from the daunting hour every year; now, with the clock just over a minute away from 12 a.m., an alarm that can be heard across the globe has started to sound, rattling minds, hearts and souls with a deep message: we must act.
“Society must unite through global cooperation, sustainable innovation and humanitarian efforts. Addressing climate change requires investments in renewable energy and stricter environmental policies, while diplomacy and aid can help mitigate conflicts. Advancing public health through equitable medical access and disease prevention is essential for a safer, more stable future,” Pradhyumna Vasishta, sophomore, said.
In previous years, issues such as nuclear arsenal threats, negative effects surrounding Artificial Intelligence and rising climate trouble have all influenced the BAS’s decision on whether to move the clock forward or backward. This year, specifically, events such as the Russia-Ukraine war, strong friction in the Middle East, global warming and devastating diseases have put much pressure on the Doomsday Clock’s little hand, pushing it forward one more catastrophic second closer to midnight. This year’s update has clearly shown that our actions as a society have an imminently stronger effect on the planet we call home than previously realized; taking this into consideration, activists all around the world have started pushing for change, reaching out for a better globe.
“This is not a drill. It is code red for the Earth. Millions will suffer as our planet is devastated — a terrifying future that will be created, or avoided, by the decisions you make. You have the power to decide,” Greta Thunburg, Swedish activist, said.
Rather than waiting, watching or twiddling thumbs, many have started or continued their journey for reform, and they have began advocating for others to do the same. For example, the BAS has already urged society to reflect upon their actions regarding the climate, advising them to alter everyday activities to reduce water usage, decrease food waste and more. With countless others doing their very best to improve the planet’s concerning state, change may just be forthcoming, bringing back brighter futures for society’s youth and securing peace for those who wish to continue living in an ideal world.
“I think we should really educate ourselves on the things going around in different climates around the world, and [we] should do our best to reduce the harmful things we do ourselves to the environment as much as possible,” Jinx Redmon, senior, said.
For more on the Doomsday Clock and what you can do to reverse it, click here. Remember, one voice pushing for change will reach those who willingly listen. A hundred voices will draw some glances. When the whole world begins to sing, however, a deafening chorus never to be ignored is born, giving the globe one more chance to stay alive and thrive.