In 2014, Disney officially released the trailer of a new movie they were working on called ‘Moana’, centering around an island chief’s daughter longing to sail the ocean. A few years later on Nov. 23, 2016, the movie was finally released into theaters. Over the years, ‘Moana’ has become increasingly popular, earning over 643 million dollars. Disney announced a second ‘Moana’ movie this year, which debuted on Nov. 27, 2024.
‘Moana’ was not only a hit to adults, but to kids, as well, showing courage and empowerment throughout the movie and drawing the attention of many through music. The song writers for ‘Moana’ were Lin-Manuel Miranda, Opetaia Foa’I and Mark Mancina, who all worked together to blend a mix of modern style and traditional style music to bring the film’s music to life.
“I am super excited for the second ‘Moana’ movie. I watched it when I was younger and loved their songs, and I hope the new one is going to be just as good,” Addison Rosshirt, freshman, said.
After eight years, Disney fans are finally getting a sequel to a highly favorable movie. ‘Moana’ is a favorite to many Disney fans and has been watched over 775 million times since 2017, becoming the fourth most favored film in 2019. Almost every Disney fan is familiar with the movie, and some might even say it is their favorite. Many will have their own opinions on the new movie, but this will forever be a milestone in Disney film making.
“I love ‘Moana’, and [it] is of my favorite movies. I have waited years for the second one to come out. I am so excited and will be at the theaters the day it comes out,” Kevin Cuppia, senior, said.
‘Moana’ is categorized as a very empowering and moving movie for many reasons, showing how Moana matures. Moana shows self-discovery by demonstrating how she was unsure of her purpose, but she learns to trust herself, her instincts and her heritage. Her voyage is as much about finding her inner strength as it is about saving her people.
“I think ‘Moana’ was an empowering movie that showed self-discovery and personal growth, which is a really important thing to learn especially at a young age,” Gabby Singer, sophomore, said.
‘Moana 2’ came to theaters only a few weeks ago and is already making thousands in sales. You can get your tickets here to watch this exciting movie.