Etowah marching eagles “Take Flight”
Over 100 Etowah High School band students lost part of their summer to band camp. Monday through Friday marching band students practiced for over nine hours a day in the grueling summer heat to prepare for the marching season.
The name of this year’s show is “Take Flight.” The flight attendants help the marchers board the plane. During the flight, the plane flies high above the clouds before landing in paradise. The music consists of “To Tame Perilous” by David Wholisinger and “Dance Movement: Movement 3” by Philp Sparke. The first section of the music represents the boarding of the plane followed by turbulence. The ballad, or second part, portrays the feeling of flying smoothly above the clouds. The last part represents the landing of the plane in paradise.
“The color guard are dressed as flight attendants to help us find our way,” Stephen Long, band director, said.
No one has the same paradise. For some, they imagine themselves on an island. Others, their paradise is simple, just peace and quiet.
“Paradise is different for everyone,” Long said.
The show was not complete by its first performance, “So far we have two-thirds of the show complete, and to have it all ready by September,” Long said
The show debuted at the home game against Campbell. The first competition was October 8th.

Hi! My name is Angel and this is my third year on staff. You may not recognize me because I chopped all of my hair off in an identity crisis, but one thing...