Standing up to bullies

Danielle Goold

More stories from Danielle Goold

Teresa Chan

Teresa continues to live her life with a happy outlook.

Confronting a bully is scary, but when Teresa Chan was in eighth grade, she did not let that stop her.
“It was really bad. There were hate pages of people all over social media. I was sick of all the cyberbullying,” Chan said.
Chan uploaded an Instagram post calling out the makers of the hate pages and told them exactly what was on her mind.
“I said that it was idiotic of them to do this. It was just ridiculous to bully people. Everyone just needs to be kind to each other,” Chan said.
When the teachers in her school community found out what she had said, they complimented her for her mindset and her action.
“They told me what I did was awe-inspiring and called me a ‘step-up’ student,” Chan said.
Chan believes in being kind to everyone every chance she gets. While she did not end the bullying for recognition, she was very grateful for the kind words the teachers said to her.
“It was just so stupid, and I didn’t want to see it anymore. I figured if I didn’t stop it, no one would,” Chan said.
Chan was surprised about all the hate going on, with everyone still being in middle school.
“I just found it weird that everyone worried so much about their image and what other people thought of them. I mean, yes, I was like that as well, but looking back, I’m like ‘why did I care so much? It was middle school.’ It was such a strange time for everyone,” Chan said.
The girls who were being bullied never really thanked Chan, but she knew she had done the right thing and was proud of herself.