Changing the station
COVID-19 has been a time of reflection for everyone, including celebrities. Due to quarantine, music artists could not collaborate with other writers and had to rely on their own talents to produce art. Many have tapped into their inner-songwriter to incorporate their personalities.
“I think some artists came out with songs that were deeper emotionally than normal,” Ally Zazzara, senior, said.
Artists often collaborate with each other to produce a variety of songs. Even during a pandemic, songwriters have found ways to make catchy, uplifting songs. However, fans have also noticed that many seem to be producing songs that are more emotional. Although some listeners find these slower, softer songs less catchy, these ballads do succeed in making fans’ hearts swoon. A common theme of these songs is how everything is changing, for better or worse.
“I do not think I have noticed a style change but more a change in what their songs are about,” Brooke Dawdy, junior, said.
The events happening around the world impact everyone, and songwriters often incorporate these experiences into their music. For instance, during the late 20th century, violence in schools became more frequent. To raise awareness about this topic, several artists released songs, such as “Pumped Up Kicks” by Foster The People. The same thing is happening with today’s song writers and COVID-19. During spring last year, several of the songs on the top charts reflected themes of quarantine, such as “Stuck with U” by Ariana Grande, featuring Justin Bieber. By keeping up with current events, artists can relate to their fans.
“I have become more dependent on music after all that has happened,” Eli Acree, freshman, said.
The pandemic has presented teenagers with time to self-reflect. Many use music as a way to express themselves. Often, teens choose to venture away from mainstream radio music and discover smaller, lesser-known artists.
“Music gives me a good outlet to express and understand my emotions better,” Joe Miller, sophomore, said.
While teens are looking forward to the pandemic ending, many will also look back at this time and see how their taste in music has evolved with them.