Squashing student stress
Warm weather is here bringing excitement and anticipation for summer break. However, students must first get through the dreaded final stretch of the school year.
School is often a stressor for teenagers. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, time for socialization has been reduced significantly, negatively affecting teenagers’ mental health. When not in school, high school students participate in sports and other activities to interact with one another.
There are several ways for students to unwind after school. Research shows that exercise and sports can relieve stress by releasing “feel-good endorphins.” Etowah offers several clubs that can also help students relax by giving them an opportunity to interact with their peers. Despite this, participating in too many school activities can place extra pressure on students.
“I am a part of friends club and video club. They are a fun activity to do outside of school,” Camille Griffith, senior, said.
After–school commitments can be taxing if students spread themselves too thin by involving themselves in multiple activities. This could result in lower performance in school and loss of sleep.
“Extracurricular activities can raise stress because of new strategies to get used to or leadership roles to add on to stress from other classes,” Zachary Mauriello, sophomore, said.
Many students involved in after–school activities have mastered the art of time management. COVID-19 has presented Etowah students with a new opportunity to manage time better: study hall. Students can use this additional 25–minute period to work on school assignments and de-stress.
“If I time–managed properly, I would be more prepared and less stressed about deadlines,” Harrison Forsythe, junior, said.
As summer break approaches, students can focus on being stress-free while managing their schoolwork and other responsibilities before the school year comes to an end.