Practice is the key to success

Etowah’s Band is known for bringing Eagle spirit to football games and pep rallies, but many people do not know that they also compete against bands from other schools. This week the band will travel to Reinhardt University to compete at the Large Group Performance Evaluation (LGPE). In order to prepare, the Orchestra, Intermediate, Symphonic, and Mastery Bands traveled to Reinhardt for the pre-LGPE contest on Feb. 11.
“What’s awesome about this performance is that we can use the judges’ tapes that were recorded during tonight’s performance, which had their commentary and suggestions, as preparation for our action evaluation in March,” Ryan Lofland, sophomore, said.
The band will be scored on a scale of one (superior) to five (poor). Last year, the band scored superiors for sight-reading and overall performance. Receiving an almost perfect score looked good for the band and heavily influenced its motivation to perform just as well at the next performance.
“Our performances went really well [at Pre-LGPE]. Each band, Orchestra, Intermediate, Symphonic, and Mastery, played three songs each chosen by Mr. Long,” Sarah Mock, sophomore, said.
In addition to Pre-LGPE, the students have been training for the actual LGPE concert. They have rehearsal routines every day in class which includes the three pieces they will perform. They also have guest clinicians coming in to work with them. The students make sure to practice on their own but also rehearse as a group.
“Preparing for LGPE is an important thing and something you can do on your own when practicing at home, but it’s when you play with the ensemble to strive to make beautiful music together that is most important,” Jedidiah Davis, junior, said.
LGPE is exciting not only for members of the band, but for Eagle Mountain. As LGPE approaches, the band strives to continue its tradition of superior scores to add to Etowah’s winning legacy.

Hey, I’m Ava! This is my 3rd year on staff and my 4th in journalism overall. I’m this year’s Associate Editor and I really enjoy editing articles...