Bachelor nation
Season 24 of “The Bachelor” is going to be, “the most dramatic season yet” at least according to host Chris Harrison. This season “Pilot Pete” Weber is the bachelor after Hannah Brown broke his heart on last season’s Bachelorette. Weber started his journey on the show in August of 2019. The contestants have two months to try to make Peter fall in love with them, as long as they continue receiving a rose.
The goal of the show is to win the bachelor’s heart. There are many opportunities for contestants to continue on through the competition, such as winning a competition, opening up to him, growing an intimate connection, or by catching his eye.
On Jan. 6, the three–hour long first episode aired on ABC, and people have not stopped talking about it. The show started off with each girl introducing herself trying to make the best first impression on Weber. After meeting all 33 contestants, Weber chose Hannah Ann for the First Impression rose, which means she is the girl who stood out to him the most on the first night. Later that night, Weber sent home girls he did not connect with. After the first Rose Ceremony, Weber selected certain girls to go on two different group dates, then asked Madison to join him on the first one-on-one date of the season.
“I am most excited for this season because it already looks interesting, and I love Bachelor Mondays with my friends,” Lexi Parks, senior, said.
During the second group date, Hannah Brown, the bachelorette who dumped Weber on her season, suddenly showed up wanting a private talk. Brown told Weber she still had feelings for him. Before viewers could see how he handled the situation, the show ended with “To be continued…”
“I can’t wait to watch Hannah B. steal another man again,” Olivia Richardson, junior, said.
Bachelor fans tend to spill all their opinions and jokes about the show through Twitter. If you use the hashtag, #TheBachelor or #BachelorNation, your tweet will show up on a timeline full of other Bachelor tweets for followers to view.
“I follow all the social media accounts for The Bachelor and stalk everyone on it. I love it.” Kylee McGill, junior, said.
Some people take the show so seriously that they compete with friends or family with pre-made brackets online.
“My favorite part about The Bachelor is making a bracket and following it throughout the whole season with my friends,” Laurel O’Brien, sophomore, said.
The best part about watching the show is making predictions after each episode. Normally, the show will end on a cliffhanger or with some type of dramatic twist pushing people to make predictions.
“I love to put little bets on which girl will go home with my friends. It’s also a good way to get with my friends on Monday nights,” Erin Aycoth, sophomore, said.
To stay up to date with “The Bachelor,” tune into WSB-TV every Monday at 8 p.m. for more entertainment.

Hello, I am Alina Frederick, and this is my fourth year on staff. This year, I am the Head of Recruitment and Internal Affairs, sports supervisor, editor,...